2009 was and is, still, the hardest year of my life.
I lost so many things, I'm surprised I'm even sane. I lost my routine life. I lost my sense of self at one point. I lost my mind. I lost happiness. I lost a best friend. I lost love. I lost money. I lost people I love. I lost relationships I cherished. I lost my apartment. I lost my job. I thought I lost it all.
There were times I experienced pain I never knew existed: pain that cut my flesh into my veins deep thru my bones, nights I cried myself to sleep, and umbearable sadness that derived from my pit. There were times I wanted to give up and loose all hope of getting better. To be truthful, my soul hasn't been the same since. There's still pieces I need to find to put myself in place. I'll be constantly working at that.
But miracles happen around me everyday. I'm surrounded by angels that help me in my life - guardians, guides, messages, signs that keep me moving, growing, and loving. And I'm thankful and grateful to learn about myself, the life I live, and the universe I'm in. I'm fortunate to have the support and energy I surround myself with. I feel untouchable andante certain to achieve my dreams. I'm amazed.
You loose things to make more room for other things - Different things, new things. And I'm thankful for 2009 because I've learned this.
I'm in touch with myself more than ever and I'm ready to share myself with the world.
Thank you 2009
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